Saturday, October 30, 2010

Public Lecture: "The Dominy Craftsmen: Who, What, When, and Why?"

Tuesday, November 9, 5:30pm, L140 Elvehjem Building

The Dominy Craftsmen: Who, What, When, and Why? Charles F. Hummel, Curator Emeritus and Adjunct Professor, Winterthur Museum and Garden, will explore aspects of the lives and products of a family of craftsmen who lived and worked in East Hampton Village. For more than one hundred years, ca. 1750-ca.1850, four generations of the Dominy family supported themselves and their families with the products of their craft activity. "The Dominy Craftsmen: Who, What, When, and Why?" explores the social, economic and cultural factors that help to explain why they prospered and the factors that shaped the products of their shops. 

Sponsored by the Material Culture Program.

1 comment:

  1. Charles Hummel presented an insightful account of the successful Dominy family of craftsmen, who thrived through the diversity of their crafts and ability to serve their market. From forging eel spears to repairing farm equipment and making provincial furniture; they filled multiple needs in their East Hampton community. How wonderful that Winterthur has become the permanent home of this extensive collection of their tools and documents!
